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Kappeler’s Classes by Tapecode

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A Series - A-1 through A-6V: The Fundamentals of Christian Science: The 7+4+4

A-1 - An Introduction to the Science of Christian Science

A-4 - The Structure-principle of Being: Our need for a divine system of reference

A-5 - A Seminar on the 7 Synonyms for God

A-6 Series - Syllabus I through V

A-6I - Syllabus I (includes A-6Ia, “The Rules for Studying the 7 Synonyms”)

A-6II - Syllabus II

A-6III - Syllabus III

A-6IV - Syllabus IV

A-6V - Syllabus V

B Series - B-2 through B-6V: A Survey of the Science of Being and its Practical Implications

B-2 - From Atomistic Thinking to Cybernetic Comprehensive Consciousness

B-3 - Christian Science Practice: Based on the Science of divine revelation

B-6 Complete - B-6I through B-6V: Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PARTS 1&ndash5

B-6I - Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PART 1: The Steps from Metaphysics to Science

B-6II - Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PART 2: Advancing Spiritual Consciousness

B-6III - Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PART 3: The Christ

B-6IV - Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PART 4: Ascending and Descending in the 4 Levels of Science

B-6V - Fundamental Questions on the Science of Christian Science, PART 5: Structural Consciousness

C-1 Series - C-1PR through C-1AP: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-158 - Summary of the First Four Chapters in Science and Health: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-167 - The Word-chapters: Summary of Chapters I through IV in Science and Health, The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-168 - Development of the Christian Science Idea from 1866 to 1986, The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-1A - CH. II, Atonement and Eucharist: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1AN - CH. V, Animal Magnetism Unmasked: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1AP - CH. XVI, The Apocalypse: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1B - CH. X, Science of Being: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1C - CH. IX, Creation: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1F - CH. VIII, Footsteps of Truth: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1G - CH. XV, Genesis: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1M - CH. III, Marriage: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1OB - CH. XI, Some Objections Answered: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1P - CH. XII, Christian Science Practice: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1PH - CH. VII, Physiology: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1PR - CH. I, Prayer: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1R - CH. XIV, Recapitulation: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1S - CH. VI, Science, Theology, Medicine: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1SP - CH. IV, Christian Science versus Spiritualism: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-1T - CH. XIII, Teaching Christian Science: The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook—Our Way of Life

C-2 Series - C-2PR through C-2AN: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-2A - CH. II, Atonement and Eucharist: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-2AN - CH. V, Animal Magnetism Unmasked: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-2M - CH. III, Marriage: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-2PR - CH. I, Prayer: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-2SP - CH. IV, Christian Science versus Spiritualism: The Christian Science Textbook: A workshop on text-interpretation

C-3 - The 16 Aspects of Oneness in Science and Health

C-3+ Series - C-3 through C-7: The Science of Oneness and the Matrix in Science and Health

C-4 - The Matrix of Science and Health: An overview

C-6 - Exercises in Culturing Consciousness According to the Matrix of Science and Health

C-7 - The Science of Oneness in the Christian Science Textbook

D Series - D-1 through D-4: The 4 Levels of Science

D-1 - The 4 Levels of Science

D-2 - Divine Cybernetics: The proto-science, the integral Science

D-3 - The 7 Synonymous Terms for God: Symbols of the dimensional translatability of God

D-4 - Divine Cybernetics and the Self-operating “Dimensional Laws” of the One Being, God

E-1 - The Structure of Being and its Universal Laws

E-2 - The Matrix of Immortality: Code of divine laws

F Series - F-1 through F-5: The Bible in the Light of Christian Science

F-1 - The Minor Prophets in the Light of Christian Science

F-1A - The Minor Prophets: The laws of the Christ

F-2 - The Epistles in Light of Christian Science

F-2A - The Epistles: The laws of scientific Christianity

F-4 - The Gospel of St. John in the Light of Christian Science

F-5 - The Practical Implications of the Spiritual Structure of the Gospel of St. John

G Series - G-2 through G-7: Christian Science and World Issues

G-2 - The Science of Being—As I See It Today

G-3 - The Model of Being and its Universal Laws

G-4 - The Spiritual Challenge of Today

G-5 - The World‘s Problems Today—and We?

G-7 - The Law of the Self-evolution of Understanding Through the Idea of Christian Science

J-1 - The 7 Synonymous Terms for God (S&H 465:10)

J-10 - The Eight Ordered Steps to Finding our Oneness with Being

J-6 - The Science of Being: The emergence of a divine philosophy

J-7 - The Education of the Future in the Light of Christian Science

J-8 - Theocracy in the Light of Christian Science

JC-2C Series - JC-2SI &II: Science, Theology, Medicine, Parts I&II

JC-2SI - PART I: Science, Theology, Medicine

JC-2SII - PART II: Science, Theology, Medicine

JG Series - JG-1 through JG-3: The Model of Being

JG-1 - The Model of Being: It holds the Key to the Future of Man

JG-2 - The Model of Being: The Opening Up of the 8th 1000-year Period

JG-3 - The Model of Being: The Science of all Sciences

M-10 - Debunking Mortal Consciousness

M-11 - The New and The Old Concept of Science

M-12 - The Structural Method of Science

M-13 - The 1000-year Periods in Biblical History Found in “The Minor Prophets” in the Bible

M-14 - The Development of Handling of Animal Magnetism in Science and Health

M-15 - The 1000-year Periods in Biblical History

M-16 - The Dimensional Structuring of the Ideas of the 7 Synonyms for God

M-17 - Why Study Christian Science as a Science?

M-18 - Symbol and Reality: Evolving through the 1000-year periods in the Bible

M-19 - The Development of the Science of Christian Science Since Mary Baker Eddy

M-2 - The Universal Life-principle

M-20 - The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook: An overview

M-21 - The Impact of the Divine Idea on the World

M-22 - The Development of the Idea of Oneness from the Bible to Mary Baker Eddy?s Scientific Revelation

M-23 - The Ethics of Christian Science

M-24 - The Two Translations

M-25 - The Implications of the Two Translations

M-26 - Idea Within the Framework of Divine Cybernetics

M-27 - The Lord‘s Prayer: Considered according to the 7 synonyms for God interwoven with the 4-fold operation of Being

M-28 - The 4-fold Operation of Being

M-29 - Examples of the 4-fold Operation: Word, Christ, Christianity, Science

M-3 - The Divine System of Reference

M-30 - The Dimensional Consciousness of the One Being

M-31 - The Concept of Dimensionalism

M-32 - The Tones of the 4 Levels of Science

M-33 - The Days of Creation Become the Numerals of Infinity

M-34 - The Structure of the Christian Science Textbook: The logic of the 16 chapters

M-35 - Healing in the 16 Chapters of the Christian Science Textbook

M-36 - Healing on the Levels of absolute Christian Science, divine Science, and Science itself

M-37 - Exercises in the Blending of Ideas of the 7 Synonyms for God

M-38 - Introduction to Divine Cybernetics

M-39 - The Relationship Between the Two Translations of the Christ

M-4 - The Contribution of Christian Science to the World

M-40 - The Christ-idea vs. Human Thinking

M-42 - I & II Samuel—The David Story

M-43 - The 4-fold Operational Consciousness

M-44 - A Seminar Discussion with Students Concerning the 4 Levels of Science

M-45 - A Short Review of the 4 Levels of Science

M-46 - Handling Evil: The 4 Levels of Science

M-47 - The Question of Evil as Seen from the 4 Levels of Science

M-48 - Practice on the 4 Levels of Science

M-5 - The 7 Synonymous Terms for God

M-50 - Aim, Method, and Success of Healing

M-51 - Cybernetic Consciousness

M-52 - The State of the World Today: The global crisis

M-6 - The Developing Idea of Oneness

M-7 - Principle and Practice are One

M-8 - The Development of the Healing Practice

M-9 - Healing

X-1 - Mary Baker Eddy as a Divine Scientist

X-10 - How Ideas Dissolve Illusions

X-11 - Scientific Obstetrics: Giving birth to the idea

X-12 - The History of the Medical Sciences and Their Philosophies

X-13 - The Eight Ordered Steps to Finding our Oneness with Being

X-15 - Divine Cybernetics

X-2 - The Logic of Christian Science

X-26 - John W. Doorly is Speaking

X-4 - Christian Science Practice: Chapter XII in Science & Health

X-5 - The Problem of Handling Evil

X-6 - The Tonality of the 7 Synonyms for God

X-7a - Idea and Ideas

X-7b - The History of the Term “Idea”

X-8 - Metaphysics Contrasted with Science